ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 beta 7

ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 beta 7

我们很高兴地宣布ConstraintLayout 2.0 beta 7的发布。

它可以从 google maven repository 中获得:

dependencies \{  
    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta7'  

或者如果使用 包:

dependencies \{  
    implementation ''  



Bug 修复

本次更新修复 Bug 如下:

  • Nested scroll view issues in MotionLayout
  • Transition listener issues with MotionLayout
  • Memory leak in MotionLayout
  • RecyclerView performances
  • Group visibility
  • Padding issues
[2.0.0-beta4] First tap lost in a scrolling view contained in a MotionLayout 146413738
ConstraintLayout should with wrap_content match the heighest child 156556215
constraintSet.applyTo(...) when called two or more times in a row, sometimes doesn't work. 156556217
ConstraintLayout show different preview since 2.0.0-beta5 156582652
[2.0.0-beta6] onTransitionCompleted called multiple times and with an id of -1 157003182
ConstraintLayout 2.0 incorrectly applies paddingEnd to RHS of views in RTL 157072539
[2.0.0-beta6] MotionLayout + RecyclerView binding all items before recycling all but visible again 157075835
Memory leaks when scrolling using MotionLayout 157370588
Flinging through ConstaintLayouts (beta-6) in RecyclerView causes loop 157498393
match_constraint can sometimes be collapsed incorrectly 157498451
MotionLayout leaks nested scrollable view in its mScrollTarget field 158494145
onTransitionCompleted is not always called 149423772
RTL issue paddingStart/End working like left/right 156448748
group visibility doesn't apply correctly in 2.0 beta 6 157599997
wrap_content on ConstraintLayout itself does not behave as it should with wrapped TextView 111110537
MotionLayout: OnSwipe doesn't work after transitioning to a third state 135130730
[MotionLayout 2.0.0-beta2] TransitionListener triggers callbacks incorrectly 135627413
Motionlayout crash if count of custom attributes in constraint more than count of constraint sets 136362587
MotionLayout throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when adding more than three CustomAttribute elements 144151823
[MotionLayout] Add a `addTransitionListener` method rather than a setter 144714753
Constraint Layout without any children views with height wrap_content takes full parent height 146698785
ImageFilterButton NPE GLES20Canvas.clipPath() 147871162
[Motion Layout] Jiggling if we fling nested recycler and than move content into opposite direction 148483381
[2.0.0-beta4] Motion layout jumps to the end when Recycler view is a touch region 150268542
RecyclerView#onScrollStateChanged delayed when child of MotionLayout 150881510
CL 2.0.0 Beta 4 rendering issue 151317170
Nested ConstraintLayout doesn't show correctly with data binding 151648853
ImageFilterView is not showing background when roundPercent > 0 is set on API < 21 153243019
beta 6 : wrap content + align baselines 156660905
[MotionLayout] strange behavior in auto transition 157351958
[2.0.0-beta6] no pass through of `baseline_toBaselineOf` when View is GONE 157401856
maxHeight + padding 157448494
MotionLayout with RecyclerView has messed up click listeners 157501464
MotionLayout ImageFilterView roundPercentage doesn't work after you set to 0.0 147094777
addToVerticalChain: Incorrect connections when adding to the top of a chain. 149173288


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